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Strategic Plan

The VPA’s vision is a safe pharmacy system that is responsive to and satisfies community needs and interests. The VPA’s 2021-2024 Strategic Plan is available here.

Strategic Plan

The VPA’s vision is a safe pharmacy system that is responsive to and satisfies community needs and interests. The VPA’s 2021-2024 Strategic Plan is available here.


To regulate the ownership and operation of pharmacies and pharmacy departments.

To protect the public by ensuring that

  • pharmacy businesses are owned, controlled and operated only by  registered pharmacists; and
  • pharmacy premises meet minimum requirements and are fit for  purpose.



A safe pharmacy system that is responsive to and satisfies community needs and interests.

Our guiding principle and values

Our guiding principle is to act in the public interest. Our values underpin everything we do and are aligned with the Victorian Public

Sector Values of:

  • Responsiveness
  • Integrity
  • Impartiality
  • Accountability
  • Respect
  • Leadership
  • Human Rights

About the Victorian Pharmacy Authority

The Victorian Pharmacy Authority (“VPA”) was established in 2010 to regulate the ownership and operation of pharmacy businesses, pharmacy departments and pharmacy depots in Victoria.

The VPA’s functions under the Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010 (Vic) (“Act”) include

  • to licence persons to carry on a pharmacy business or pharmacy department;
  • to register the premises of pharmacy businesses, pharmacy departments and pharmacy depots; and
  • to issue standards in relation to their operation.

Through the administration of a licensing and registration scheme, a risk-based regulatory approach and proactive engagement with licensees and other stakeholders, the VPA ensures that the Victorian community has access to a safe pharmacy system.

The VPA is a self-funded Victorian public sector entity. The Responsible Minister is the Minister for Health.

Strategic priorities

  1. Licensees better supported to engage in good governance and regulatory practice
  2. A sustainable, connected and evidence-driven authority
  3. A leading pharmacy regulator advocating for best practice approaches to regulation

Measures of success

  • Efficient risk-based regulatory systems and processes
  • Effective engagement with stakeholders including co-regulators
  • Licensees understand and comply with regulatory obligations
  • The Authority uses reliable, quality data to support regulatory decisions and actions
  • Improved compliance outcomes through regulatory interventions
  • Stakeholders understand and have confidence in the role of the Authority to regulate the ownership, operation and standards of pharmacies
  • Consumer confidence in the pharmacy system

Our key strategies

  1. Optimise our resources, systems and processes to build a high performing authority.
  2. Undertake effective stakeholder engagement and communications.
  3. Implement an effective, contemporary regulatory strategy.

Strategic actions

  1. Supporting licensees and pharmacists
         a. Issue Standards in relation to the operation of pharmacies, pharmacy businesses and pharmacy departments.
         b. Maintain Guidelines that
             i. support the Act and the Standards; and 
             ii. reflect contemporary pharmacy practice and community needs.       
          c. Adapt the premises inspection program to ensure continuity despite possible health restrictions and unforeseen circumstances.
  2. A sustainable, connected and evidence-driven Authority
         a. Ensure the Authority’s continuing sustainability and capability to enable the delivery of the strategic plan.
         b. Build and leverage effective stakeholder relationships to optimise regulatory outcomes.
         c. Provide greater assurance to the public and other stakeholders that pharmacies and pharmacy departments are meeting mandatory
         d. Utilise inspection information and improved risk management practices to drive improvement in regulatory compliance.
  3.  A leading pharmacy regulator
         a. Develop and implement a new risk-based regulatory strategy.
         b. Develop and report against outcomes-based performance measures for the premises inspection program.
         c. Share information on our regulatory practices with other pharmacy regulators to promote consistent, best-practice approaches to
             pharmacy regulation.
         d. Benchmark the Authority’s  processes and identify opportunities to continually improve regulatory performance.

Frequently Asked Questions