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Register Search

The public register includes details of all licensees and registered premises and any conditions on a licence or registration.

Register Search

The public register includes details of all licensees and registered premises and any conditions on a licence or registration.


Licences revoked

Licensee Date licence revoked Applicable pharmacy premises
Sunshine City Pharmacy Pty Ltd 16 July 2018 423 Ballarat Road, Sunshine VIC 3020

Registrations revoked

Licensee Date registration revoked Applicable pharmacy premises

The public register provides access to the following information:

a) the name of each licensee of a pharmacy business or pharmacy department
b) the number of pharmacies owned by a person
c) the registration status of the premises of a pharmacy business, pharmacy department or pharmacy depot
d) any conditions on a licence or registration

The register may be searched by premises (business name or postcode) or owner.

Warning: Certificates should never be used to confirm licence or premises registration information. The public register is the only way to verify current licence or registration status.

A licence or registration ends on 30 June next following the date on which it is granted. If a licence or registration appears on the register with an end date that has passed, it may be because a renewal application is still being finalised or during a late lodgement period. However, in such cases the licence or registration remains in force.

Click here for a list of persons who have had a licence or registration revoked.

Click here for a list of persons who have had a licence or registration revoked
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