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Managing Schedule 8 Poisons - a Reference Guide for Pharmacists

Pharmacists play a very important role in the community as custodians of medicines and poisons and this role includes complying with legislated requirements for the recording and storage of Schedule 8 poisons.

Managing Schedule 8 Poisons - a Reference Guide for Pharmacists

Pharmacists play a very important role in the community as custodians of medicines and poisons and this role includes complying with legislated requirements for the recording and storage of Schedule 8 poisons.

The reference guide was developed in consultation with pharmacy peak bodies in response to levels of non-compliance identified in the Authority’s inspections, matters considered during panel hearings and the significant risks to public safety associated with these medicines. It reflects a commitment outlined in the Victorian Pharmacy Authority Statement of Expectations Action Plan 2019-21 which can also be viewed on this website.

A laminated copy of the reference guide was sent free of charge to all registered premises in Victoria and a digital copy is available for download. The Authority encourages pharmacists to prominently display the reference guide in an area of the dispensary to facilitate its intended use as a quick reference guide (e.g. on the door of the drug safe) to help meet their obligations when managing Schedule 8 poisons.

The reference guide has been updated under the heading Records – Readily retrievable to clarify the manner in which S8 prescriptions are required to be kept at the pharmacy (24 March 2021, Version 2).

Managing Schedule 8 poisons - a reference guide for pharmacists

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