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Circulars and Reports

VPA Circulars covering current activities, alerts and resources are distributed to all registered premises, licensees and other stakeholders by email. Circulars and reports on the VPA’s activities can be accessed here.

Circulars and Reports

VPA Circulars covering current activities, alerts and resources are distributed to all registered premises, licensees and other stakeholders by email. Circulars and reports on the VPA’s activities can be accessed here.

Latest Publications

Quarterly Performance Report
The Quarterly Performance Report is a detailed assessment of the organization's performance during a specific three-month period. It includes quantitative data like financial figures, sales revenue, and market share, as well as qualitative information such as customer feedback and employee surveys. The report highlights achievements, challenges, and provides recommendations for improvement. It is a valuable tool for management and stakeholders to assess performance and make informed decisions.
VPA Communiqué
The VPA Communiqué is a communication issued by the Victoria Pharmacy Authority (VPA) in Australia. It provides important information, updates, and guidance to pharmacists and stakeholders in the pharmacy profession in Victoria. It covers topics such as regulatory requirements, professional standards, and changes in legislation or guidelines. The communiqué helps keep the pharmacy community informed and ensures compliance with standards and practices set by the VPA.
VPA Circular
The VPA Circular is a document issued by the Victoria Pharmacy Authority (VPA) in Australia. It provides important information and updates to pharmacists and pharmacy stakeholders. The circular covers topics such as regulatory requirements, changes in legislation or guidelines, upcoming events, and best practices. Pharmacists are expected to review and follow the information provided in the circular to ensure compliance and maintain high standards in pharmacy practice. The VPA Circular facilitates communication and promotes transparency within the pharmacy profession in Victoria.
Quarterly Performance Report
VPA Communiqué
VPA Circular

Current edition

Previous editions

Current edition

VPA Circular No. 34

Welcome to the VPA’s December circular.

In this circular, we include information on the VPA’s approach to pharmacy franchising in the context of recent industry developments. On behalf of the members of the VPA, I reiterate our ongoing commitment to ensuring that all Victorian pharmacies are owned, operated and controlled only by registered pharmacists.

Other focus areas relate to compounding, including sterile compounding, and medicinal cannabis. We highlight important considerations for pharmacists considering compounding medicinal cannabis, and information on sterile compounding following the recent TGA alert about compounded semaglutide-like products. There is also important information about holding stock of medicinal cannabis.

A highlight of this year has been the introduction of a new, improved inspection program, which focuses on compliance with the VPA Standards. We look forward to providing further information about our new approach to inspections in the new year.

At this time of the year, we remind proprietors to renew your AHPRA registration by 31 December if you haven‘t already done so, given the significant implications of a lapsed registration on a licensee’s eligibility to continue to hold a pharmacy business licence.

On behalf of the VPA members and staff, I wish you a happy and safe festive season and best wishes for the new year.


David McConville

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Previous editions

VPA Circular

The VPA publishes a quarterly circular on its activities and this is distributed by email to licensees, registered premises and VPA stakeholders. VPA circulars include information about current alerts, applications, inspections and resources to support licensees to engage in good regulatory practice. Periodically, the Authority also publishes new guidelines or amends existing guidelines in its circulars.

If you wish to receive VPA news items please email your request to enquiries@pharmacy.vic.gov.au.

Quarterly Performance Report
The VPA’s performance measurement framework includes information on its activities and intended outcomes. This includes targets under the Ministerial Statement of Expectations, service standards and statistics on VPA activities. A performance report is included on a quarterly basis.
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