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Stolen Prescriptions

The Medicines and Poisons Regulation website (https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/drugs-and-poisons/health-practitioners/pharmacists/stolen-forged-prescription-tables) contains frequently updated details of forged and stolen prescriptions in two tables (beneath the pharmacists sub-heading)

Stolen Prescriptions

The Medicines and Poisons Regulation website (https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/drugs-and-poisons/health-practitioners/pharmacists/stolen-forged-prescription-tables) contains frequently updated details of forged and stolen prescriptions in two tables (beneath the pharmacists sub-heading)

The Medicines and Poisons Regulation website (https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/drugs-and-poisons/health-practitioners/pharmacists/stolen-forged-prescription-tables) contains frequently updated details of forged and stolen prescriptions in two tables (beneath the pharmacists sub-heading), which allow pharmacists to search for names of purported prescribers and for the details that are pre-printed on the rear of stolen pages for computer-generated prescriptions. It is strongly recommended that pharmacies have this website bookmarked or listed as a favourite site - to facilitate prompt reference.

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