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Privacy Policy

The VPA is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information. The VPA’s privacy policy statement and privacy collection notices are available here.

Privacy Policy

The VPA is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information. The VPA’s privacy policy statement and privacy collection notices are available here.

The Victorian Pharmacy Authority (Authority) is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information.

The Authority collects and handles a range of personal information to enable it to carry out its statutory functions. It may also collect some personal information for planning and monitoring but where practicable identifying details are removed from information collected and used for these purposes.

In accordance with its obligations under Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010 (Act), the Authority’s functions relate primarily to the licensing of pharmacy owners and registration of pharmacies, pharmacy departments and pharmacy depots in Victoria.

The Authority recognises that the nature of its role is such that much of the information it collects is particularly sensitive. The Authority is bound by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 which imposes specific obligations in regard to handling information.

The Authority recognises that the Privacy Principles protect personal information as a matter of individual right but also allow it to collect the information it needs to serve the public interest by discharging its duties under the Act.

The Authority recognises the essential right of individuals to have their information handled in ways which they would reasonably expect – protected on the one hand and made accessible to them on the other. The Authority has adopted the respective Privacy Principles contained in the Victorian privacy laws as minimum standards in relation to handling personal information.

This means that the Authority:

  • Collects only information needed for a specified primary purpose; 
  • Makes it clear to individuals why personal information is collected and how it will be handled;
  • Uses and discloses personal information only for the primary or a directly related purpose, or for another purpose with the person’s consent (unless otherwise authorised by law); 
  • Stores it securely and protects it from unauthorised access; and 
  • Retains it for the period authorised by the Public Records Act 1973; 
  • Provides persons with access to their own information, and the right to seek its correction; and 
  • The right to access personal information in the Authority’s possession is available through privacy legislation and the Freedom of Information Act 1982; 
  • Has developed a Privacy Collection Notice which is provided when specific information is collected, in compliance with the Information Privacy Principles.

The Authority has developed a Privacy Collection Notice which is referred to when specific information is collected, in compliance with the Information Privacy Principles. This policy statement, along with the Authority’s Privacy Collection Notice, is available on the Authority’s website www.pharmacy.vic.gov.au.

Effective Date: 1 Jul 2020

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