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The VPA can handle complaints about pharmacy premises and pharmacy owners. Complaints about registered pharmacists are handled by AHPRA. Click on the matter you are concerned about to see who to contact.


The VPA can handle complaints about pharmacy premises and pharmacy owners. Complaints about registered pharmacists are handled by AHPRA. Click on the matter you are concerned about to see who to contact.


You may wish to contact the proprietor of the pharmacy in question. Pharmacy owner details can be viewed on the VPA public register.

Are you concerned about:

(click on the relevant item to display the details of the appropriate agency)

The professional conduct of a pharmacist
The quality of and access to services at a pharmacy or hospital pharmacy department
The possession, storage and supply of medicines in a pharmacy or hospital pharmacy department
The pharmacy owner, pharmacy premises or the operation of a pharmacy
(including but not limited to access, security, confidentiality, supervision, record-keeping) or non- compliance with the Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010 ("the Act"), the VPA Standards or any conditions imposed on a licence or registration by the VPA
The VPA or the conduct of its officers

Contact the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

AHPRA is responsible for the registration of health practitioners and the handling of complaints about the professional conduct of those practitioners. Their role is to work with the Pharmacy Board of Australia to help protect the public by regulating Australia’s registered pharmacists.
Concerns about professional conduct may include:
a pharmacist's behaviour is placing the public at risk,
a pharmacist is practising in an unsafe way,
a pharmacist's ability to make safe judgements about their patients might be impaired because of their health.

Contact the Health Complaints Commissioner (HCC).

The HCC is an independent statutory body that is involved with addressing complaints about health services provided in Victoria. Their role is to assist the public with resolving complaints about matters relating to:
Access to services
Quality and safety
Respect, dignity and consideration
Communication about treatment, options and costs
The level of involvement in healthcare decisions
Access, privacy and confidentiality of personal health information
Complaint handling by the health service provider

Contact the Department of Health - Medicines and Poisons Regulation Branch.

The Department of Health - Medicines and Poisons Regulation Branch, monitor and respond to legislative non- compliance such as the unlawful possession, storage, prescribing and supply of medicines.
Postal: 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000.

Contact the Victorian Pharmacy Authority

The VPA is responsible for the regulation of Victorian pharmacy businesses, pharmacy departments and pharmacy depots. The VPA ensures that pharmacies are owned, operated and controlled only by registered pharmacists, and that registered premises meet and are operated in accordance with the requirements of Act and the VPA Standards.
The VPA can receive and investigate notifications about matters specified in the Act. These include allegations about:
a licensee’s character or ability to carry on a pharmacy business
a licensee contravening the requirements regarding ownership of pharmacies or if the licensee is no longer eligible to hold a licence
a licensee contravening an Authority standard or the Act, or a licence or registration being improperly obtained
registered premises that do not meet the requirements of the Act or of an Authority standard, or
the contravention of a condition of a licence or registration.
If the VPA receives complaints about other matters, the VPA may conduct an inspection of the premises and/or refer a complainant to another agency.

Submission of complaints regarding pharmacy owners or premises: Please forward your concerns to the VPA via the official VPA Complaint Form. 

Click to access the VPA Complaint Form

Contact the Victorian Pharmacy Authority

The VPA welcomes feedback on its activities from licensees, members of the public and other stake holders.


Feedback may be provided by email to: enquiries@pharmacy.vic.gov.au

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